November 3, 2020

Retraining EfficientDet for High-Accuracy Object Detection

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In this blog post, ML6 presents a method for retraining the EfficientDet object detection model to achieve high accuracy on specific object detection tasks. The blog post explains how the EfficientDet model is a state-of-the-art object detection model that is highly efficient in terms of computational resources, making it an attractive option for real-world applications.

The blog post then discusses the limitations of the pre-trained EfficientDet model and the need for retraining to achieve high accuracy on specific tasks. ML6 provides detailed steps on how to retrain the EfficientDet model using the COCO dataset, and offers practical tips for optimizing the retraining process.

The blog post also includes a comparison of the performance of the retrained model against the pre-trained EfficientDet model and other state-of-the-art object detection models on a custom object detection task. The author shows that the retrained EfficientDet model achieves significantly higher accuracy than the pre-trained model and performs on par with other state-of-the-art models.

Overall, the blog post offers a method for retraining the EfficientDet object detection model to achieve high accuracy on specific object detection tasks. ML6 provides practical steps and tips for optimizing the retraining process, and demonstrates the superior performance of the retrained model compared to the pre-trained model and other state-of-the-art models on a custom object detection task.

Read the full interactive blogpost on our Medium channel.

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